Workshop for Scholastics- 20-21 May 2009
Paul expressed satisfaction that all JESA members cooperated with this programme and Erwin, P.D Mathew and Xavier helped in conducting it for the scholastics. It was well appreciated by the scholastics and the PCF who was present for most of the sessions. This seminar helped us to see what impressions and opinions the scholastics still have about JESA. It was an opportunity to clarify their doubts, correct their misconceptions and misunderstandings and also to share with them our vision and the thrust of social Action. It was heartening that they suggested there should be more exposure and opportunities to work in social centres like weekend ministries and also even one year of regency. In the sharing it was clear that those who had a chance to interact with social centres had more positive opinion and in the past most of those who had done their regency opted for Social action.
The group chose two scholastics – Suresh and Jerry to be members of JESA. These are not necessarily going to take up social action apostolates in future but they are right now only representing the scholastics to communicate with JESA. Though they may not be able to attend all the meetings they can be sent all the reports as well as this will be one way of being in touch with social action. The scholastics had requested to help them with finance and guidance if they wanted to conduct some programme. Regarding this it was suggested that it would be better that the province sees to such requests through the PCF rather than JESA helping them directly since such helps could be misused. It was also suggested that when they go for summer exposure some orientation could be provided so that they profit from the exposure.