For approximately five hindered years, the Society of Jesus kept the flame alive and burning. Socio-cultural situations challenged the society to keep the fire burning. Even in this modern and scientific world, which is full of science and technology, the society is still carrying the fire of its original inspiration alive with full vigour and energy to our generations. It is because of the burning stories of each one of us with imperfections and by the divine goodness, who allows the fire to be alive.




            This goodness of god, which allows the fire to be alive, is experienced by the first fathers. They lit the fire. This was passed on to the generations, whosoever enters the society. Each one of us who enters the society becomes part of the society’s history. It is Christ Jesus who unites, strengthens and sends us out to the world. The burning desire of each one of us is to communicate the love of Jesus Christ to the world.


              St Francis Xavier was inspired by the famous words of Jesus “ what does it profit a man to gain the whole world if he looses his own soul?” Which sounded into his ears by Ignatius of Loyola. St. Ignatius told St. Francis Xavier, “ go set the world alight”. These words of St Ignatius created a new fire to be lit in the challenging and changing world. The fire, which is set, continues to burn with great velocity in our Jesuit life. St Albert Hurtado rightly said, “A fire that kindles other fires”. To make this words come true, we are called to set all things alight with the live of god. This we can clearly see in the life of St.francis Xavier. He was chosen to go to the remote east and he landed in Goa, India. He ignited the fire within the seminarians, natives of different parts of Asia, and some of them later on, fruitfully preached the gospel to their brethren in local languages. He himself was however longing to reach out to the distant soils that never had a chance to listen to the message of Jesus. As such he came to be known as a “traveling missionary”. The first fathers namely Ignatius, Peter Faber, Francis Xavier, James laynez, Alphinsus salmeron, Nicholas Bobidilla, Simon Rodriguez, Claudius Jaius, john Codrurius and Pasehasius Broetus lit the fire in the hearts of the people in their respective places.




                  Paul Miki lit the fire in the hearts of his entire family, who later became Christians. He was dying for the gospel he preached. St. Paul Miki ad his two companions of the cross-lit the fire of faith in Japan in 16th century. The most distinguished early figures of the Chinese mission Frs. Matteo Ricci, Adam Schall, and Ferdinand Verbiest in the 17th century were also lighting the hearts with the fire of love. St. Peter Claver was the slave of the slaves, who worked in Cartagena, South America and the martyrs of North America St. Isaac Jogues and his two companions lit the fire within the people of their respective land in the 17th century. A few Spanish Jesuits began to spread gradually the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The people were lit by the fire of the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.


                  St. john de Britto came to India in 1673 to light the hearts of Indians to Christianity and he converted as many as 10,000. Roberto de Nobili became an expert in Tamil and Sanskrit and was eventually able to light twelve Brahmins with the fire of Christian faith. He is mainly responsible for the words being used by South Indian catholic masses through which he still keeps on lighting the fore within the people. The martyrs of India Bl.Rodolfo Acquaviva and his four companions lit the hearts with love and service in 16th century. The martyrdom of Fr. A.T. Thomas and Sr. Rani Maria of India help the church to spread the Gospel. These are some of the examples of those who set hearts on fire in India.




                   Fr. Kolvenbach said recently that we are active and dynamic in proclaiming the good news to the world. We are men for others. We are men of contemplation in action. We are meant to be in the world in the midst of the multitude of men and women that lord loves. In order to spread this live of god in the world in those days Ignatius had chosen the alternative. Ignatius and the first fathers established 40 schools in order to light the fire within the young and energetic children with the love of god. When it became apparent that education was not only an apt means for human and spiritual development but also an effective instrument for reforming the church, the number of Jesuit schools began to increase rapidly. Within 40 years, the number of Jesuit schools would reach 245. Jesuit schools did flourish in the developing nations of India, East Asia, Latin America and, in particular, the United States. Now there are about 24,500 Jesuits schools and colleges in the world. Through the medium of education so many thousands of youngsters ate lit with fire of love for god and the people in the world.




                   We saw how the first fathers, the martyrs and others lit the fire within the people in different places and in various ways through the dynamic actions. We do this through our personal prayer, discernment, open discussion and spiritual conversations in the community for the mission. We are meant to be for others like the first fathers. They did god’s will in lighting the hearts of the people whomsoever they directly or indirectly encountered in their life journey. They offered themselves for the service of others and for the greater glory of god. Therefore, if these great men and women have lit the fire in the hearts of many thousands of people how about us in this 21st century world? Each one of us should say, “ This little guiding light of mine I am going to let it shine at all the time, in all the places, to all the people in the world with love for the greater glory of god”. In this way if each one of us begins to light the fire within the people we encounter in the world, then one day the world will be blazing with the flames of love. The world will be blazing with love of our lord.





1)      GC 35, Gujarat Sahitya Prakash, Anand, 2008, pp 47-65.

2)      Schaniz, Ignacio sj, Passion and Glory, Volume 1, pp xi-xiii.

3)      Bangert, William. V sj, A History of The Society of Jesus, The institute of Jesuit sources, St. Louis, 1977, pp 147-161, 236-247, 289-294.

4)      Jou, Albert sj, The Slave of the Slaves, Gujarat Sahitya Prakash, Anand, 1986, pp 18-23.

5)      Constantine Pise, Chas DD, Saint Igantius and his First Companions, P.J. Kenedy & Sons, New York, pp 9-12.



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