
“No one can form you unless you form your self.”  Studies in our various stages of formation are just a help to shape ourselves spiritually, intellectually and emotionally along with the charism of the Society of Jesus. Ultimately our formation and the studies must day by day bring us to live in the presence of the lord and help us to grow in wisdom and holiness.

Spiritual life

In this fast growing world of post modernism and industrialism our spiritual life must help us to keep going and growing day by day. Our founder father, St. Ignatius’ spiritual exercises and guidance are relevant even today for the scholastics. Fr. Arupe said “It’s my profound spiritual experience to know and to feel oneself to be in the hands of god” . Our formation should help us to keep our spiritual life alive. Repeated spiritual activities should not become just a routine. It must make us to grow matured and joyful. Daily Holy Mass, examine and personal prayers help me to go ahead in the sprit of Society of Jesus. By surrendering myself totally to God and following His grace filled guidance expressed through the superiors and spiritual directors, I try to place myself in the hands of god constantly.

Apostolate & Ministry

In order to be more effective, we need to be more creative and think ahead of our time. Fr. Arupe said “ To be witness to Jesus requires always and more so then even before in our secular world that we be men of faith who have abundantly  experienced contact with God and are generous in sharing in that experience.”

 To make this dream of the society come true each one must share what one has and be available for the needs of the time. In order to be effective, one must love what one does. Service rendered with much expectation and without love will not bare much fruit. So each one must make one self available and free for the work of the lord. Our spiritual life must give us a creative opening to our apostolic work. In short each one is called to be contemplatives in action as St. Ignatius was.

The call of the day and our vows

How can we cope up in this fast growing modern world? This is the question writ large in many of our young minds. The world is promoting values like “Do smart and creative work to earn more” and “Money talks bullshit walks” as golden rules. Which means money does every thing and teaches to do anything if it gives you money, power and fame. And by following this we become slaves to money and forget about human dignity. It seems to be true to a certain extent. Even some of our religious institutions seem to follow the same rules.

Many of us appreciate ‘Having more than Being more.’ We see rich people with respect. Because they have more money, things, power, talents.etc. What about the poor? are they not respectable? – Is n’t their philosophy  to value ‘Being more than Having more? We too are called to value Being more than Having and love persons more than things. I am not against having/using things. What I mean is that we need to make use of things for the greater glory of god. Our vows must lead us to be more available, loving, caring and sharing.

My experience of God

Being a student of philosophy I have found out that one can not have experience of God by pure reasons. The experience of God depends on the simple faith which we have received from our parents and the elders and one needs to renew and personalize that faith. My faith in God is not entirely received from my parents alone but also through my studies and through my personal experiences.


I am sure that the formation that I am having must not lead me and my companions to do the minimum required rather it must make us to live in “Magis”. Our motive is to render the maximum possible service for the greater glory of God.



 Moieson Dhas

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